The LIFE 4DOÑANA project, in addition to the implementation of an automatic irrigation system on demand, has as another of its objectives to promote changes in the irrigation and nutrition practices of 40 farms, through the provision of advisory services.
After an initial assessment of the irrigation system and a basic nutritional diagnosis of the strawberry farms -developed in the 2021/2022 campaign-, the consortium works to inform each of the farms on how to achieve 7% reductions in The consumption of water.
Among others, in this new 2022/2023 campaign, the LIFE 4DOÑANA team carries out the following actions, such as the installation of flow meters; use of Irristrat (software for data visualization with biweekly information to the farms); determination of field capacity (through soil sampling) and recommendation of the optimal duration of the irrigation pulse; verifications of EC, pH and Nitrate at the dropper level in different points of the farms; support to calculate and record flows in the different sectors of the farms; nutritional monitoring (analysis of water, soil and plant); establishment of customized strategies to improve irrigation and nutrient management; and organized visits to the demonstrative farms of the automatic irrigation solution on demand.